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5 Common Causes of Window Leaks


Window leaks are caused by a number of factors, chief among which are worn out parts and improper installation. Whichever the case may be a leaking window is something you definitely don’t want on your hands. Apart from the annoying fact of having to clean up after heavy precipitations, window leaks pose a great threat to the integrity of your window material, walls and the foundation of your home when left unchecked.

Window leaks can be curbed when detected early. Compiled below are 5 major causes of window leaks and how you can manage them.

1. Missing or Damaged Sealant

Missing or damaged sealant is the first thing you should always look out for when your windows are leaking. Damaged sealant in the exterior part of windows is one of the leading causes of window leaks in most homes. Once you discover your window sealant or caulk is missing or damaged, it should be replaced with a brand new one to ensure moisture and air don’t slip through the uncovered opening. Replacing damaged sealant or caulks also improves the insulating ability of your window which helps you maintain a stable temperature in your home and keeps your energy bills low.

2. Poor Installation

No matter the quality of window material you have when your window installation goes wrong, there is little you can do to save it from having leaks. Window leaks due to poor installation could be quite annoying because it’s like flushing money down the drain. Employing a well-experienced and knowledgeable technician for your window installation is a good way to prevent this occurrence. Also ensuring proper and quality materials are used for your window installation is a good way to prevent leaks caused by poor installation.

3. Lack of Overhangs

The importance of window and door overhangs in homes cannot be overemphasized. Most windows leaks are not caused due to faulty or worn-out material, they are simply the result of lack of protective window overhangs in your homes. Revisiting your home design to include window overhangs is definitely worth the hassle. Rather than considering a window replacement, overhangs are reasonable alternatives that help fend off runoff water from your roof and also prevent wind-driven water from entering your home through the window.

4. Possibility of Wall Leaks

Many homeowners often mistake wall leaks for window leaks. Before deciding whether to have a window replacement or not due to leaks, it’s advisable to double-check and ensure your walls aren’t having any leaks either. Taking this extra measure of verifying the source of leakage would save you money, time and effort. To determine whether you have a leaking wall or not, check the wall above your window for cracks or gaps. Also, look out for dirt stains above your window frame. These are good indicators of a leaking wall. Once you notice any of these, ensure to seal off the cracks and fills the gaps as soon as possible to prevent water from weakening the walls of your home and damaging your window.

5. Bad Angles

Bad angles are as much a cause of window leaks as every other factor listed. Bad angles direct water towards the window and cause it to slip through available openings rather than fending it off. This is common with window sills that tilt towards the window rather than away from it. Fascia boards with bad angles are also a major cause of window leaks as they tend to direct water toward the window rather than away from it. Bad angles are easy to correct and it can be done in a number of ways including installation of window overhangs or readjusting the angle of the fascia board above your window.